Rights & Responsibilities

Rights & Responsibilities

That Member/s shall have the rights to : 

  • Participate in the activities of the NACHRCOI in accordance with the constitution. 

  • Participate in conferences, seminars and other events organized and held by the organization or its part.

  • Exercise any power or function that the constitution or the Act requires to be exercised or implemented by the member organisations.

  • Require consideration any questions relating to the activities of the organization at a General meeting.

  • Obtain complete and accurate information about the activities of the organization, including decisions and actions taken.

  • Obtain help and support from the organization to protect their legitimate rights and interests as a member of the organization.

  • Participate in policy development by making suggestions at General Meeting and to the Board Management presided by Chairperson.

  • Participate in the establishment of subgroups in accordance with the constitution.

  • Apply for assistance from the NACHRCOI funds in accordance with the regulations.

  • Appeal decisions, actions or inaction of the bodies of the organization.

That Member/s shall have the responsibilities to :


  • Participate actively in achieving the goals and objectives of the Organization and actively participate or contribute fully to its activities. 
  • Accept and follow the “Constitution of Incorporation” and abide with it. 
  • Take ownership and accountable to the assignment assigned to you. 
  • Each associate must be present or participate in meetings, seminars, activities, if absent due to any unavoidable reason, must inform 2 day in advance. 
  • Inform the authorities of the organization about the facts known which may adversely affect the organization’s activities and violations of the present statute. 
  • Any ideas, suggestion should be submitted in prescribed format before the Board Management.