Aim & Objective

Aim & Objective

Keeping Crime graph and back - lock cases pending and not getting justice in time, NACHRCOI management have taken an in-depth initiative and effort to make people aware about types of Crimes, how to prevent from such Crimes and what could be the come out plan, it helps the powerful role in eradicate Crime and Corruption and helps Investigation for Crime and Corruption and playing in different government departments. Now a days, our NACHRCOI is establishing its name by making contribution in revealing out irregularities in various government departments and by making awareness among the people, about their Right and parallelly save them by spreading knowledge. 

We have taken close support with the help of Central and State Government for Crime Investigation, Corruption Investigation, Cyber - crime & Implementation of Forensic tools and technique to reduce the crime graph and back lock cases pending in Judiciary, Administration, Police, Defense, Public sector bodies like Banks, Financial institutions, Corporate and Social Service sectors etc.